We bought our first lesser flamingo's from a dealer. It where the last of an import. Among about 20 birds we could find 4 without eyecatching mistakes. Almost nobody breeds this species, we had no hope on that part. Just having some, the most beautifull possible was enough.
A bit later, someone presented his birds to us, needing money. We decided to give these a good home, knowing where they could arrive if we did not take them. It became a pink spot in the garden and soon we got a call from someone that lost his house, needed to place his birds.
The group was made bigger as we bought some extra from a bird handler. Some people loose interest when birds lay no eggs. Specialy when their other flamingo's did well.
From Zweppy we got two females when he decided to stop the species. Considdering space, it now seemed a nice group we enjoyed dayly.
Great surprise on nestbuilding and an egg. After long and lonesome breeding attempt, it seemed unfurtile. Two years later, on another nest site, again an egg. This time the baby Ivana came and grew up well. 2015 we welcomed the second baby.